How to Pack Your Kitchen for Moving House

How to Pack Your Kitchen for Moving House

How to Pack Your Kitchen for Moving House

Written by Lorraine Hanlon on

One of the most time consuming rooms to pack for moving house is your kitchen. With plenty of perishable food, delicate dishes and lots of small but numerous aspects like cutlery and utensils that can take a long time to pack. However, giving everything the attention it needs and finding ways to save time and space will set you on the right track.

1. Set Aside An Essentials Box

Before you start wrapping and packing up the entire room, have an essentials box. The kitchen is a room that you will likely be using on the last day in your old home and the first day in your new home to make breakfast or dinner.

Your essentials box might include dish soap, paper towels, a couple of utensils, a couple of mugs, plates and a rubbish bag. This means you can whip up a quick breakfast or dinner without having to unpack a full box of items.

2. Start With Items Not Frequently Used

You’ll likely have many pots, pans, mugs and glasses that you won’t use every day. Pack these first. These items could include tupperwares, cookbooks, dish towels, barbecue materials and blenders. You can use dish towels as padding for more delicate items too.

3. Declutter Any Drawers & Cupboards

If you have built up any broken utensils and old plates. There might be some you can recycle, sell or donate. This can all add up and will mean you save a lot of space. Take into account how much space you will have in your new kitchen. Will all your current belongings fit?

4. Do A Food Audit

Unopened non-perishable food such as cans can be packed into boxes. The only thing you’ll need to be aware of is weight. Lots of cans in one box can be heavy and could cause the box to break if it is overfilled.

Perishable food items should be used up on the last day or even donated to a food bank. Frozen food might not travel well if you are travelling a long distance. Have a lot of frozen food that needs eaten up? Invite some friends over for dinner to use it all before the move.

5. Take Care With Plates, Bowls and Glasses

It goes without saying that plates, bowls and glasses are some of the most perishable items in your kitchen. Ensure you wrap them properly with paper and bubble wrap. Stack plates and bowls in bubble wrap for ultimate protection.

Remember you can use dish towers as extra padding.

6. Prepare Appliances

Some large kitchen appliances might come with wires and cables. Making them more susceptible to accidental damage. Make sure all your appliances are clean and dry to prevent mould growth. Disconnect the appliance, remove any detachable parts such as shelves or drawers and pack these separately.

You could also use bungee cords to secure doors closed. Make sure you reinstall and test the appliance when you move it into your new home and before your first use to make sure everything is working as it should. If you still hold the original packaging for the appliance, use this as you can ensure it will be the correct size and weight for the device.

7. Use Tupperware Space

Tupperwares provide great extra space to use up. Some tupperware sets can be stacked together, but if not, they provide a great place to store cutlery, utensils, dish towels or other small kitchen items.

A kitchen has a lot of moving parts with cutlery, crockery, appliances, utensils and much more. However, by utilising the extra space and packing the belongings appropriately, you can be sure to have a smooth moving experience.

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